
Wanted: Automation Engineers

4 years ago #Success

Wanted: Automation Engineer


Have you considered becoming an Automation Engineer? At Fuse Engineering, we are seeking Automation Engineer profiles to hire for our various clients. What exactly does this job entail? What kind of daily work can you expect to do as an Automation Engineer and what kind of compensation is average in Belgium? Fuse Engineering answers your questions below.


What does an Automation Engineer do?

As engineers design and program machinery, automation engineers do the same in order to program machines to complete specific tasks. The work of automation engineers usually ends up in factories such as car manufacturing plants where large robots are needed to perform these specific functions.


Required skills?

There are fundamental hard and soft skills required to excel in this position. They include the following:

  • In depth understanding of software development and computer programming
  • Ability to think creatively and problem solve
  • Ability to troubleshoot programming and system issues
  • Excellent communication between other members of the team
  • Detail-oriented and meticulous personality 


Salary Expectation

Automation Engineers in Belgium and the Netherlands can earn between 30k to 60k per year depending on the exact job description.

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