
Network During the Downtime

4 years ago #Success

A lot of things are on hold right now - but job seeking is not one of them. As we wait for this virus to pass, we can use this time to strengthen our network and make the right connections. 

Whether or not you’ve been out of work lately, this is a big opportunity to evaluate what you want for the rest of the year. You are likely spending more time with technology, so put that time to good use and use social media to make beneficial connections. 

How can you improve your networking strategies?

  • Concentrate your efforts towards finding other similar profiles as your own and strike up discussions 
  • Decide on which direction you want to move towards in the future and look for beneficial contacts in that field
  • Connect with recruiters on LinkedIn - Fuse Engineering recruiters are working every day to find you your next challenge. Connect with the recruiters in your area and see what they can do for you. 


Work on your profile as well. Now is the time to evaluate your strengths and find the unique selling points for your profile. It’s time to focus your efforts on strengthening your network and CV to ensure the highest amount of productivity during this downtime!

You can always apply for jobs on our website.

Stay safe!


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